Corporate Energy

We help you reduce your

consumption and carbon footprint

while managing the challenges ahead

Minimise energy costs
Reduce your carbon footprint
Effective energy management

Meeting new challenges in the corporate

energy landscape

Energy costs continue to be a significant overhead for UK businesses and public sector organisations. Historically, the main challenge was managing changes in wholesale energy costs. However, with increasing levels of industry regulation, political uncertainty and infrastructure development, managing the way you use your energy and when you buy it has become more critical than the tender itself.


Our commercial energy advice is defined – and actioned – by providing objective, accurate, advice tailored to every client to meet your individual needs in a timely manner. We bridge the gap when it comes to corporate energy procurement and management, outlining what commercial energy contracts mean for businesses in real terms and helping our clients to shape their environmental sustainability strategies.

Localised Power Purchase Agreement (PPAs)

Reducing cost and carbon by purchasing energy directly from renewable generators – coming soon!

Our corporate energy services include:

Corporate energy procurement

We pride ourselves on our innovative purchasing solutions and can fully manage detailed, fixed, or flexible electricity and gas tender negotiations. Our dedicated support team will work on your behalf to fully manage your utility supplier relationships and queries, change of tenancies, and ensure accurate and timely consumption data. We can also source a competitive deal for your water supply.

Carbon reporting & compliance

Energy users are required to meet an increasing number of targets when it comes to reducing emissions and complying with legislation. This often has additional benefits, such as helping you use less and lower your carbon footprint. Obtaining voluntary accreditations will further help to illustrate your sustainability credentials and ensure you’re operating to acceptable industry standards.


We can help you by:

  • Fully managing compliance activities and associated reporting
  • Ensuring you hit deadlines and avoid fines
  • Maximising opportunities for positive CSR successes
  • Proactively advising on your consumption to lessen the burden of some of the schemes
Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Our team of in-house ESOS Lead Assessors and ISO 50001 lead auditors have close ties to DECC and the Environment Agency and will help you make the most of ESOS.
Climate Change Agreement (CCA) Complying with the CCA scheme means you can receive a CCL discount on your electricity and gas bills. We’ll manage your compliance and regularly report on progress.
Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Our CRC compliance management service eases the burden of getting to grips with this complex legislation aimed at cutting CO2 emissions. We can provide essential guidance and support to help you avoid costly penalties.
Carbon Footprinting Using in-house built tools will help determine whether to include carbon or GHG emissions in your carbon footprint calculation. Once defined, we’ll help you reduce your emissions and improve your CSR credentials.
UK GHG Mandatory Reporting We’ll work with you to seamlessly collate, compile and analyse your emissions data so you can include them in your Director’s Annual Report and Accounts.
Electricity Market Reform (EMR) EMR will result in new charges being passed on to business users. One of the best ways to minimise the risk and cost increases is to reduce or control your energy usage.

Metering solutions.

We manage outstanding relationships across most metering providers, ensuring that we can help source and install practical metering solutions for your electricity, gas and water requirements. If you want to understand the detail, we can provide level monitoring and provide access to real-time data. All of the valuable information we track on your behalf can be viewed minute-by-minute on our sophisticated online software.


We work with the UK’s best energy suppliers

We compare energy tariffs from 27 trusted suppliers

Platinum-graded industry compliance